
Your tongue plays a critical part in dental alignment, jaw development, maintaining nasal breathing, optimizing sleep, and the appearance of your face. Proper tongue posture involves the tongue resting against the roof of the mouth and filling up the entire upper palate.

A tongue-tie, medically known as Ankyolglossia, prevents the upper jaw and mid-face from developing properly. The literal translation of tongue-tie means your tongue is tied to the lower mouth area by extra tissue called lingual frenulum. As a result, your tongue is unable to reach the roof of your mouth and movement is restricted.

It is estimated that up to 50% of the population has some level of anatomical restriction of the tongue, thereby, limiting movement and optimal function. Tongue-ties are present at birth and do not develop over time, nor can they go away without treatment.

Signs and symptoms of tongue-tie include:

Inability to poke tongue past the lips
Unable to reach the corners of the mouth
Tongue tip may appear squared, noted, or heart-shaped
Difficulty speaking clearly (especial difficulty pronouncing s, sh, t, th, n sounds)
Pain in neck, head, jaw
Severe headaches
Oral health issues
Crowded teeth
Sleep apnea

necessary to release the tongue. In many cases, all that’s required to release the tie is a minor surgical procedure, but treatment does not stop here. After your tongue is released you should begin Myofunctional therapy to help re-train and strengthen the muscles of the tongue. Myofunctional therapy exercises ensure proper oral posture, tongue movements, and correct swallowing patterns. It also guarantees that a released frenulum does not grow back, and symptoms don’t return.

Tongue-Tie Assessment & Treatment

Tongue-tie assessment and treatment require proper education, training, and surgical skill. However, if you’re just curious, here are a few self-tests you can try:

Can you make a popping sound when you click your tongue?
Leaving a little space between your upper and lower teeth, can you make your tongue touch the floor and ceiling of your mouth?
Do you have lines and wrinkles around your mouth or chin when you swallow?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, the next step is to meet with one of our doctors to have an assessment done.

Kuljic DDS & Team
900 Cummings Center
Suite 106T, Beverly MA 01915
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